IT Almanac Insights

Nimble a Watergile

Nimble the Watergile

By: IT Almanac Insights - “Harvesting the Power of Information Technology”

There once was a droplet, so small and so bright,
Named Nimble, who shimmered in the soft morning light.
Nimble would wriggle and jiggle with glee,
But aimed to change the waterfall, mighty as can be.

“I’ll fight it,” thought Nimble, “I’ll swim up, you’ll see!”
But the current was stronger than Nimble could be.
It tossed them, it turned them, it whirled them around,
Until Nimble was tired and started to frown.

Then Nimble took pause and thought with a glow,
“What if I try just to go with the flow?”
They let go of the struggle, the push, and the shove,
And found in the waterfall, a rhythm to love.

Now Nimble flows freely, with grace and with cheer,
Riding the currents, with nothing to fear.
For Nimble has learned what the wise waters know,
Sometimes it’s best just to go with the flow.

Nimble the Watergile by IT Almanac Insights is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0